Sacrifice of Thanksgiving?
“And when ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer it at your own will.”
As we approach this week and the day of Thanksgiving, we are always encouraged to remember the numerous things for which we should be grateful. In the Old Testament, there was one sacrifice that was not a requirement for proper obedience to fulfill the law. Rather, the Lord encouraged his people NOT to offer the sacrifice unless they did so of their own free will – or in common language, because they really wanted to, and not because they had to. It was definitely still considered a sacrifice as they had to go into their flock, and get an animal, and offer it up before the Lord. However, this would be above and beyond all the other sacrifices they were required to offer unto to the Lord. The sacrifice then, would come out of what they could rightfully consider to be their own abundance. Sometimes in our spiritual life, as well as the physical life, we find it easy to say thanks but there’s no real sacrifice to truly express the gratitude that we have for all that God has done for us. God asks that we speak up and praise Him for His goodness in front of those who do not care about Him. This is not something we HAVE to do, but because of the gratitude in our heart for what he has done for us, we share a verbal praise. When our pastor asks if we will freely give of our finances to the Christmas missions projects, we gladly reach into our pocket and give just that little bit more because we know what He gave to purchase our salvation. Gratitude in our heart compels us to share the gospel selflessly, praising Him more joyful, and giving out of our abundance becomes an easy sacrifice. We are not trying to do gain favor in His sight, rather the opposite is actually true. Hearts bursting in gratitude toward God will find any and every way to make an expression of that gratitude. This Thanksgiving season, is your heart overflowing with an abundance of gratitude? Then express it – not because you HAVE to, but because you WANT to!