A Mind Stayed on Him
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
One of the verses I’ve been praying for my family and myself is that we would “love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind and with all our strength.”( Mark 12:30) As I’m meditating on how we are to love God, what really has me thinking is “how do I love God with all my mind”?
Back in my teen years, it was pretty cool if you owned a Walkman. I, at one time, owned three, all of them had been given to me. Most, if not all of you are probably wondering “What is a Walkman?” Well, it’s a portable cassette player. Now you may be asking “What is a cassette?” I’ll let you google that and find out on your own. :)
In today’s world, if we want a portable music player, we use the cell phone, which is way more advanced technologically than my three Walkman. In addition, today’s technology has also produced Bluetooth-enabled earbuds, nothing like the big bulky corded headsets of my day. Nowadays you don’t even know people have earbuds in their ears. Some people are walking around constantly with these ear buds in, tuned in to whatever their cell phone has on (most likely something not good for their mind, and thus not good for their heart). In addition, they are deliberately tuning out their friends and family who are right there with them.
This thought came to my mind when I was pondering on how to love God with all my mind. Consider this. What if we go through life with our spiritual earbuds on — tuning in to only the voice of God, and tuning out the voices of this world, which may include our own voices, when we are telling ourselves the wrong things?
What if we did what Isaiah 26:3 says? “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” What if we would be very selective in what we put in our minds and be purposeful by putting in God’s word, music about our Lord, books and podcasts about His amazing works and His goodness? The result — we would be “transformed by the renewing of (our) mind, that (we) may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)