His Plan or My Plan?
We have all heard this verse many times, probably memorized this verse, and possibly remind ourselves of the truths of this verse on a daily basis. But do we really believe all of the implications of this verse? Do we really believe that whatever comes into our lives or whatever direction God may take in our lives, it is really from above and for our good? If God’s path for us involves hardship, heartache, and loss, are we prepared to submit Him in faith and trust God’s perfect plan?
God has recently been working in my heart through the wonderful truths and promises contained in this verse and others. In theory, it is easy to say that we believe the words of this verse. But in practice, have we truly given everything in our hearts over to the control of the Father? Do we truly believe that God will work every circumstance in our life for His good? What if he takes away a loved one? Are we trusting in His sovereignty? What if he takes away our health or the health of a family member? Are we trusting in His sovereignty?
If we look to Scripture, we will find an abundance of truths and promises from God concerning His plan and purpose for our lives:
In these verses we can clearly see God’s great love, His sovereignty over our lives, and His wonderful purpose for us. Are we truly resting in these promises? If we are then we, like the author of Hebrews, will be able to confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13:6
In Exodus 9:16, God tells Moses, “And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.” Just as God created Moses with a very specific and wonderful purpose, so He creates each one of us. We will not know God’s whole encompassing plan until we are in Heaven with Him. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” I Cor. 13:12 But, we can know with the utmost confidence that God has a plan for each of us, that His plan is perfect and wonderful, and that we have the opportunity for God to “shew in thee my power” if we are humble, yielded servants. So how can we speak the words of Romans 8:28 with a sincere and submitted heart? By realizing that God’s plan is better than our plan. That God’s plan for me, for my children, and for my family is better than my plan. And then entrusting my life and the lives of those I love to the Lord. Why? Because as we have seen in these passages of Scripture, His plan for each of our lives is far far better than our plans. His plan will bring glory to God and true satisfaction to our hearts. He loves us and our loved ones far far better than we ourselves ever could. For me, submitting my fears completely to the Lord meant realizing that He loves my loved ones more than I do, and He already has a better plan for their lives than I ever could come up with. Whether that plan is only a few short years or whether it is a long life, God’s plan is perfect and wonderful. Ultimately, It means submitting to and truly believing God’s promises to us in the Bible. And these promises are truly wonderful!